We have all experienced this type of virus hysteria before but the difference now is an actual lock down (step) scenario. It feels like it has been rehearsed and finally we find ourselves in this dilemma.
It is certainly challenging us and our routine and usual life style. In addition we might also feel anxious or even fearful.
When we are in a fight and flight state (often brought on by media repeating fearful messages, predictions and events), we are looking for solutions and guidance. Often we can feel overwhelmed by news and different opinions, research , new rules, regulations and of course the lack of freedom and movement. There is also anxiety and worries about health, finances and job security and how all of this might affect our families.
This is definitely a time we want to balance and feel grounded within ourselves to make the right decisions and feel safe and secure and positive.
Remember your intuition, gut feeling and inner subconscious mind? Activating and tapping into this part of you is so important for your physical and mental health. Being able to shut out all of those distractions and have a moment with your inner guide and mentor to cope and managing things in a better manner.
You might find the answers and solutions you were looking for.
Reconnect and work closely together with this powerful part of you.
This recording is meant to help you to access this part of you and can also decrease your stress levels and induce the feeling of calm and feeling in control of your emotions.
Take out 20 minutes for yourself. It’s like coming home or visiting an old friend for good advise.
If you liked this and wanting to change other habits or behaviour in you life, contact me for a personal 1 to 1 online session.

Call 021 022 45727 to book your session with Stefanie OR email hypnosisauckland@gmail.com
Check out www.hypnosisauckland.co.nz for more information