Stefanie Schaefer - Professionally trained Clinical Hypnotherapist | Hypnotist & Homeopath
available in Browns Bay/Kumeu/Auckland or via zoom
Hypnosis Auckland - Stefanie Schaefer

Hypnosis Auckland Is Run By Stefanie Schaefer
Book your general (single) session or program here
or have an initial chat. Call 021022 457 27 for more help and info.
Stefanie is a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist/Hypnotist and Homeopath available in Browns Bay and Kumeu in person or via zoom. Helping teenagers/adult with anxieties-fears/phobias-sleep-weight loss(virtual gastric band-confidence-sleep and more.
Stefanie attended the New Zealand School of Professional Hypnotherapy in Auckland to gain the Diploma in Clinical and Advanced Hypnosis.
She completed her National Diploma in Homeopathy with the South Pacific College of Natural Therapies.
Stefanie is also a Professional Member of HNZ Hypnosis New Zealand.
Tuesdays and Fridays at @ Ascent Chiropractic
Unit H, The Victor building, 4 Bute Road, Browns Bay, Auckland
Mondays/Thursdays @Wellness out West, Level 1 (Upstairs/49 Main Road, Kumeū 0810
Mondays and Wednesdays @ zoom only
Weight Loss/Virtual Gastric Band
Stefanie Schaefer is a certified practitioner for the “Virtual Gastric Band/sleeve” weight loss program (trained by Sheila Granger UK).
This is an exciting 4 week long program (one to one sessions only) and includes the initial session (100min.) and another 3 weekly sessions (60min.) plus it includes two recordings to listen to at home.
Stop Smoking/Vaping
As a smoker/vaper, your subconscious expects you to smoke/vape. Perhaps you crave a cigarette/vape with coffee, alcohol or when stressed.
Maybe you smoke/vape to stop boredom or to hold onto something in stressful situations? These associations are so strong that willpower has not been enough to quit.
Anxiety program
The three75 min. sessions are designed to allow change to a person’s mindset, to give them a set of ‘mind management tools’ that can help them focus on the present and future instead of focusing on negatives, failures and their own limiting beliefs.
Includes 2 personal, calming home audio recordings.
This is not just a short-term fix, it is creating skills for life, habits for being calmer and much more resilient to life’s events.
Reduce Alcohol
The aim of the program is to reduce the alcohol intake to a more moderate and acceptable level.
Are you looking to moderate your alcohol consumption?
Has your relationship with alcohol built up over a period of time and wish you would be able to drink socially – within limits?
Sign up for Hypnosis Auckland News
Stefanie is a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist | Hypnotist and Homeopath.
Contact Information
Email: hypnosisauckland@gmail.com
Phone: 021 022 45727
Mondays/Thursdays @Wellness out West, Level 1 (Upstairs/49 Main Road, Kumeū 0810
Tuesdays & Fridays @ Ascent clinic, Victor building, 4 Bute Road, Browns Bay, Auckland
Mondays and Wednesdays via zoom