December 5


Let Hypnosis Auckland unleash your potential for 2018

By Stefanie Schaefer

December 5, 2017

A new you, News year resolution, potential, Reach your potential

New Year’s Eve is only around the corner and is often associated with resolutions made with the best of intentions that are tough to keep.

Only a small number of us will actually enjoy success and continue with new behaviour patterns after January.

We might decide to begin with a healthy regime of exercising, losing weight, feel motivated and/or committed– only to fail at the first sign of stress or temptation.

The same occurs with stopping smoking, quitting alcohol and so on. What is happening here?

The reason it can be hard for some is that we are all creatures of habit and in times of stress we revert to our old coping mechanisms. Certainly one cigarette or one cake is not going to make much difference but we kid ourselves and this can often leads to failure.

On the other hand we might choose to eat all the right things and exercise more but no weight is being lost and because the results are not happening fast enough, we will stop ‘punishing’ ourselves with denial and go back to the old, familiar path.

It does not have to be like that though. People can and do lose weight, stop drinking, smoking, being lazy, overcome insecurities and fears.

They may do this the hard way, using willpower or choose to change their way of thinking and acting with the help of hypnosis.

Hypnosis and NLP techniques can help you to stick with your resolutions by focusing on the tasks you want to achieve or problems you want to overcome.

The most popular New Year Resolutions tend to be along the lines of:
• Get fit and lose weight
• Be more organised in work/life in general
• Quit smoking
• Reduce alcohol
• Stop anxiety
• Improve sleep
• Coping with stress or grief
• Boost your confidence and self-esteem!

Is there anything holding you back from enjoying 2018 fully?
Let’s empower you with the right tools of hypnotherapy and NLP.

Hypnosis Auckland

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Stefanie Schaefer is a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist | Hypnotist and Homeopath