Reduce Alcohol

The aim of the program is to reduce the alcohol intake to a more moderate and acceptable level.

  • Are you looking to moderate you alcohol consumption?
  • Has your relationship with alcohol built up over a period of time and you wish you were able to drink socially - within limits.

I offer a program to help my clients reduce their drinking habits gradually and easily in 3 weekly sessions.

This drink less training guides is specifically designed to break down the habitual nature of drinking and help the client get back in control.

Reduce Alcohol

No more worries about The Long-Term Health Risks of drinking too much alcohol including:

  • High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems.
  • Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver and colon
  • Learning and memory problems, including dementia.
  • Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.
  • Social problems, including lost productivity, family problems and unemployment.
  • Alcohol dependence, or alcoholism

Program Includes:
3 weekly sessions (approx.1 hour)
Support recording to listen to at home (15 min)

Program Cost:
$499 in total (payable at first session)

Hypnosis Auckland

For an appointment with Stefanie please contact:


021 022 45727

Tuesdays and Fridays at @ Ascent Chiropractic
Unit H, The Victor building, 4 Bute Road, Browns Bay, Auckland

Mondays/Thursdays @Wellness out West, Level 1 (Upstairs/49 Main Road, Kumeū 0810

Mondays and Wednesdays @ zoom only


Therapy Disclaimer

While hypnosis has many beneficial effects, hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention.

The content of this site is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your doctor or health care provider promptly.  

Actual results may vary from person to person and Stefanie does not make any guarantees that you will get the same results as the clients who have voluntarily provided reviews/testimonials.

Never listen to hypnosis while driving any machinery.

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