What Is Clinical Hypnotherapy | Hypnosis?

The first and important thing I’d like to do is to demystify clinical Hypnotherapy | Hypnosis. It is actually a natural state which we all experience many times per day.
Some examples of this are as follows:

  • Day dreaming
  • Driving on familiar roads
  • Watching TV or other screens being mesmerised
  • Even the time before we nod off or before waking up, is a time of trance

When you see hypnotist Stefanie Schaefer at Hypnosis Auckland, she will guide you to this relaxed state/trance.  A hypnotised person still hears everything and is in total control. This is called an “induction” followed by a “deepening” and eventually re programming the sub conscious mind with affirmations and positive suggestions.

At the time of total relaxation we reach a meditative state and this is the time when our subconscious mind opens up, ready to take on board what it needs to hear to make positive changes for the future.

Our subconscious mind can’t differentiate between reality and imagination.Hence people who experience a panic attack experience symptoms and fear as if there were in real danger.

Our mind has two parts. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind. We are constantly aware of our conscious mind. We make decisions, we analyse situations, and we jump to conclusions with our conscious mind. It is very easy to feel that our conscious mind is all that there is, but scientists say the conscious mind is only about 10% of our thinking capacity. The other 90% is locked away in your subconscious mind.

Actually everything you have ever experienced or known is in your subconscious mind. Including every single thought, word and every song and every loving act performed. Your subconscious is a huge storage of all your past experience with overwhelming influence on all your actions and reactions. 

Most of us are not aware of the subconscious or its tremendous power to bring success and happiness into our lives. Changes of behaviour have to occur here where they were established in the first place.

One gets a better picture now about how our minds operate.

Clinical Hypnotherapy | Hypnosis

Clinical Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis is a powerful tool to change an old belief system, which stops us from fully enjoying our life, into a new and positive one. It can be very therapeutic and a very good break away from our stressed filled world to assist self-improvement.

It’s the opposite of meditation where your empty your mind, with hypnotherapy you are filling your mind with positive suggestions. The more commitment from the client the better the outcome 🙂

After a session Hypnotherapist Stefanie Schaefer will give the client a recording to listen to. By listening to this repeatedly, new neural pathways in the brain are being created. Over time the old neural pathways (with old behaviour patterns) will eventually break down and get flushed out. Stefanie also teaches self-hypnosis and other NLP tools to her clients.

I hope you found this helpful. You are welcome to ask more questions if you like.
If there is something holding you back in life, try Hypnotherapy | Hypnosis Auckland and see what it can do for you!
You know what? Most of us have room for self improvement and know when it is the right time to tackle it……

What Type Of Things Can Hypnotherapy Help With?

  • Sleeping disorders
  • Weight loss/management
  • Virtual Gastric Band (certified Sheila Granger practitioner)
  • Stop Sugar Cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of confidence
  • Stress
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Public speaking
  • Stop smoking
  • Reducing alcohol
  • Stop gambling
  • Tinnitus relaxation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Habits like nail biting, bed wetting, hair pulling
  • Stuttering
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Menopause symptoms
  • Infertility
Hypnosis Auckland

For an appointment with Stefanie please contact:



021 022 45727

Tuesdays and Fridays at @ Ascent Chiropractic
The Victor Apartments, 4 Bute Road, Browns Bay, Auckland

Mondays/Thursdays @Wellness out West, Level 1 (Upstairs/49 Main Road, Kumeū 0810

Mondays and Wednesdays @ zoom only


Therapy Disclaimer

While hypnosis has many beneficial effects, hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention.

The content of this site is not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your doctor or health care provider promptly.  

Actual results may vary from person to person and Stefanie does not make any guarantees that you will get the same results as the clients who have voluntarily provided reviews/testimonials.

Never listen to hypnosis while driving any machinery.

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